Patrick Scott the Visual Carlow

On Saturday the 5th of April went to see Patrick Scott’s exhibition at the Visual, Carlow. IMAGE SPACE LIGHT. I have seen some of his work before but it was great to see a large collection. It is a very beautiful exhibition which also has a collection of tapestry’s that he designed well worth a visit. Carlow town is very lucky to have such a great building.


Self in Space

For this module to represent myself I drew everyday object such as the chair i sit on in my kitchen and living room or the coffee cup i leave on the table. I used charcoal and black pen.

Environmental Sculpture

For this module i decided to make an artist book which i called Hidden Secretes. I asked people to participated by writing a secret or memory they have never told anyone, it did not have to be a deep dark secret just something simple like maybe the time you wore you sisters new dress and never told her. I went to the library where three groups participated, Irish circle, Writers group and a Book club a secondary school with TY students an adult education group and a studio which works with different groups. I took a shredder with me so people could shred their own secrets so no one could read it. Then i took the shredded paper home made new paper so peoples secrets were hidden within the paper.

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This is me at home making my hand made paper I made around sixty sheets. When doing research for this project i looked at artist Jacki Perry who makes her own paper I also got a great book called Paper making for Printmakers by Elspeth Lamb.

Critical Theory

For critical theory I had to do an artist response to the first chapter of Capitalist Realism by Mark Fisher. I could  use any medium painting, photography, performance etc, i decided to draw. I like line drawing so my response  was to draw a Chinese dragon, and why i decided this was because when Nelson Mandela died the South African government did not invite Dalai Lama to his funeral and have refused him a visiting visa on two other occasions because of pressure from  China. So could we see a change in capitalist if China decides to call in there loads. It should be interesting America is in debt to China for billions so will the dragon breath it fire. To draw the dragon i used black pen on Chinese paper I also decided to do a paper cut out using black paper.

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I first drew the dragon on white paper then placed black paper underneath cutting out with care.

Responding to the landscape

Module 3 Land art

When researching land artist the one that really inspired me was Richard Shilling. He only uses materials that the landscape provides, then allows nature to claim back the sculpture, only using his camera to document his work. The title i gave my land art project was Embellish. I used what my garden provided and documented my work with photography, drawing and painting.

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I worked on this project over the winter months, heather was the only plant in the garden that gave  some colour. This rock has an unusual feature so i surrounded it with the heather then as the days passed the wind just blew it away.

The next project was a tree stump that i embellished with laurel leaves taking pictures as the months passed to document the changes that come with the seasons.

In some of my drawings i used text.

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The Boss

The Boss

myself and my sister decided to enter the scarecrow festival in Durrow over the summer and seen as the Boss was visiting Ireland we just had to put him in.



Book cover /  click on page to see more photoshop               Some work for digital media module